Tasimi, A. (2023). In their memories. Science.
Bowes, S. M., Costello, T. H., & Tasimi, A. (2023). The conspiratorial mind: A meta-analytic review of motivational and personological correlates. Psychological Bulletin.
Costello, T. H., Zmigrod, L., & Tasimi, A. (2023). Thinking outside the ballot box. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Tasimi, A., & Friedman, O. (2023). An adversarial collaboration on dirty money. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Friedman, O., & Tasimi, A. (2023). The second-order problem of other minds. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Bowes, S. M., & Tasimi, A. (2023). Is intellectual humility “good” for people? The Journal of Positive Psychology.
Costello, T. H., Bowes, S. M., Baldwin, M. W., Malka, A., & Tasimi, A. (2023). Revisiting the rigidity-of-the-right hypothesis: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Tasimi, A., & Gelman, S. A. (2021). A dollar is a dollar is a dollar, or is it? Insights from children's reasoning about "dirty money". Cognitive Science.
Lourenco, S. F., & Tasimi, A. (2020). No participant left behind: Conducting science during COVID-19. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Tasimi, A. (2020). Connecting the dots on the origins of social knowledge. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Tasimi, A., & Gross, J. J. (2020). The dilemma of dirty money. Current Directions in Psychological Science.
Tasimi, A., & Johnson, M. K. (2019). Children's initial responses and beyond: Effects of niceness and similarity on preference, giving, and memory. Child Development.
Tasimi, A., & Gelman, S. A. (2017). Dirty money: The role of moral history in economic judgments. Cognitive Science.
Tasimi, A., Gelman, S. A., Cimpian, A., & Knobe, J. (2017). Differences in the evaluation of generic statements about human and non-human categories. Cognitive Science.
Tasimi, A., Johnson, M. K., & Wynn, K. (2017). Children's decision-making: When self-interest and moral considerations conflict. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Tasimi, A., & Young, L. (2016). Memories of good deeds past: The reinforcing power of prosocial behavior in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Tasimi, A., & Wynn, K. (2016). Costly rejection of wrongdoers by infants and children. Cognition.
Tasimi, A., Dominguez, A., & Wynn, K. (2015). Do-gooder derogation in children: The social costs of generosity. Frontiers in Psychology.
Tasimi, A., & Johnson, M. K. (2015). A self-serving bias in children's memories? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.